πŸŽ‰ New year, New releases πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯
We're very happy to announce the release of the new Parsing API v3.0 for profiles, resumes, job offers, HR texts & documents and job offers.

Brief summary:

This release covers:

  • 😎 New categories have been added: Certification, Duration, Task, Course, and URL
  • πŸ”† Performance improvements: better model predictions, better generalization to a different context, bug fixes
  • 😱 Speed improvement: x12 faster for jobs & text and x3 for resumes
These changes are Β running on production since February 2nd 2021, except for the async Profile Parsing that will be updated later this month.


We also launched https://labs.hrflow.ai to allow customers to try our AI layers' capabilities for free.

It's a hands-on AI demos for Talent management and interactive tools & demos that showcase HrFlow.ai AI layers applied to HR data processing.

Resume parsing

Extract data from a profile, a resume, or a CV across all media formats β€” such as names, emails, phones, locations, companies, schools, degrees, titles, tasks, skills, etc.

>>> Explore Profile Parsing

Profile searching

Experience relevant and fast talent discovery with HrFlow.ai Profile Searching API.

>>> Explore Profile Searching

Job searching

Experience relevant and fast job discovery with HrFlow.ai Job Searching API.

>>> Explore Job Searching

Text Parsing

Extract semantic entities from an unstructured job offer β€” such as companies, locations, tasks, skills, interests, durations, dates, and more.

>>> Explore Text Parsing

Text Revealing

Enrich your text with missed hard and soft skills.

>>> Explore Text Revealing

Text linking

Enter a word and get its Top 10 closest words, whether it is a person's name, school, organization, skill, interest, country, and more.

>>> Explore Text Linking

Updated Documentation:

🧠 Parse a Resume in a Source
Welcome to the official HrFlow.ai Developer Documentation.