🎁 What's new in HrFlow.ai?

Discover our latest updates for June, keeping you in the loop with our newest innovations and developments.


  1. AI Modules:
    1. Profile & Text Parsing API: new multilingual capabilities v4.0.3 Update

1. Profile & Text Parsing API: new multilingual capabilities v4.0.3 Update

We are excited to announce that a new version of the Parsing API to process both raw Texts and Profiles has been released.

New multilingual capabilities v4.0.3 Update
New multilingual capabilities v4.0.3 Update

😍 Why it’s a big deal for HrFlow.ai users?

We are happy to announce a new update improving our parsing capabilities for the following complex languages:

  • Arabic
  • Japanese
  • Chinese

❓Community Support

For general help using HrFlow.ai, please refer to the official HrFlow.ai docs.

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Best wishes,
The HrFlow.ai Team